Hi…an update.

Hello everyone,

I know it’s been several months since I’ve checked in with anyone, but my health has really taken a downturn and I haven’t had the energy or the brain capacity to do much.

For those who don’t know here’s a quick recap, in January I was diagnosed with a condition called Arnold Chiari Malformation. It’s a malformation of the brain, there is no cure. In March, I had brain surgery to try to slow the progression of the condition. The first month after the surgery was hell and I wondered just why I had agreed to it. In April, everything seemed to be going well and I planned to get back to work in May. That didn’t happen. In early May, my symptoms slowly started coming back. By June I was spending most of my time in bed and even now I have to be careful with what I do. The smallest amount of over-activity sends me straight to bed.

So with that said, I am sorry to announce that I can no longer do the book edits and reviews I was doing before. I may still occassionally do a review, but they will not be the frequency they were before. I simply don’t have the energy. My email address is still open and I DO check it occasionally, so if you think your book is spectacular and you want me to check it out you can still send it to me.

I can’t push myself the way I was before and I refuse to push myself into the ground. I also have had to cancel all of the reviews I had scheduled. So if you were waiting on one from me, I’m sorry but it’s not going to happen.

I am still writing my books, but no timeline for their release will be announced any time soon.

As for my site, you may have noticed the revamp. I am going to keep the site open, although I am changing the format, layout and topics. All of that will be announced shortly. Thank you for the support and again I am sorry about all of this but as I’m sure all of you understand you can’t control things like this and my health has to come first.




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2 Responses to Hi…an update.

  1. Nina Wright says:

    Alicen, your health must come first. Take care, dear, and know that readers and writers are praying for you. ~Nina Wright

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